[Bigjob-users] subjobs on unknown backends

Sharath Maddineni smaddineni at cct.lsu.edu
Sat Sep 24 20:54:28 CDT 2011

Hello Andre,

Can you please comment/modify *print_job method * in bigjob_agent  so that
this method wont terminate the subjob's just because we did not specify
working_directory parameter in the job description of subjobs.

Since we dont know the exact working directory of subjobs in condor backend.
I tried using $HOME, ${HOME} but it failed in running the subjobs

*    def print_job(self, job_url):*
*        job_dict = self.coordination.get_job(job_url)*
*        return  ("Job: " + job_url + " Working Dir: "*
*                # + job_dict["WorkingDirectory"] *
*                 + " Excutable: " + job_dict["Executable"])*

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