[Bigjob-users] redis server on data quarry

Ole Weidner oweidner at cct.lsu.edu
Fri Jan 6 22:23:50 CST 2012


I don't think should have been possible, since my (password-protected) REDIS server is already running on that port... However, I can't seem to reach it anymore:

2012-01-06 22:22:07,145 - bigjob - DEBUG - Utilizing Redis Backend
2012-01-06 22:22:07,145 - bigjob - DEBUG - Parsing URL: redis://ILikeBigJob_wITH-REdIS@gw68.quarry.iu.teragrid.org:6379
2012-01-06 22:22:07,169 - bigjob - DEBUG - Connect to Redis: gw68.quarry.iu.teragrid.org Port: 6379
2012-01-06 22:22:07,309 - bigjob - ERROR - Please start Redis server!

Did you kill my server?!? Please run your server on a different port and re-start my instance.


On Jan 6, 2012, at 10:19 PM, Sharath Maddineni wrote:

> Hello all,
> Since "cyder.cct" is down I am hosting another redis server on a standar port(6739) on data quarry VM.
> Sharath$ redis-cli -h gw68.quarry.iu.teragrid.org
> redis gw68.quarry.iu.teragrid.o>
> please let me know if you are facing any problems.
> Sharath

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