[Bigjob-users] cyder.cct.lsu.edu

Ole Weidner oweidner at cct.lsu.edu
Tue Jan 10 21:10:46 CST 2012

Hi all,

I finally got access to the server room and the rack were we keep cyder.cct.lsu.edu. After connecting monitor and keyboard, it turned out that the machine had completely run out of memory and the kernel finally barfed and halted the system. 

Now, Cyder has 64GB (!) of RAM and it's somewhat beyond my comprehension why the machine would ever run out of memory, unless of course someone runs simulation codes with ultra-high memory requirements. If that's the case, please refrain from doing that. As you might have noticed, it is not exactly trivial to get access to the machine in order to reboot it, once it hangs.

cyder.cct.lsu.edu is back online


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