[Bigjob-users] number of nodes and pbs-ssh

Andre Luckow aluckow at cct.lsu.edu
Fri Jan 20 15:28:03 CST 2012

Hi Mark,
Yes, this is Pradeep's implementation: nodes actually refers to the total
number of processes. Thus if you want to have two nodes a 8 cores you need
to request 16 and 8.


Am Freitag, 20. Januar 2012 schrieb M.A. Santcroos <m.a.santcroos at amc.uva.nl
> Hi Andre,
> Running latest bigjob using pbs-ssh to india.
> Given pbsssh.py, around line 37, I don't understand why you are dividing
by processes_per_node here.
> To get the expected/desired behavior I just changed it to  "nodes =
> Any comments?
> Thanks
> Gr,
> Mark
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