[Bigjob-users] Local installation of SAGA and running example of BIGJOB

Kundan Kadam kkadam1 at tigers.lsu.edu
Tue Dec 6 12:37:34 CST 2011

This is embarrassing but I am having trouble installing SAGA locally
on any of the Futuregrid machines. I could only install SAGA core on
hotel, but none of the python bindings or adapters. Problem is
location of python, even when it is apparently correct, there's an
error saying boost python flags/ headers not found. Am I missing
something obvious or should I contact Futuregrid support?

However I could get the the preinstalled SAGA loaded into my environment. (using
http://www.saga-project.org/documentation/deployment/xsede-fg) I got
the BIGJOB installed.  (Using method b of
http://faust.cct.lsu.edu/trac/bigjob/wiki/install) And apparently it
works because I can say import saga and import bigjob in python
without errors.

Problem is running examples. (example_local_single.py etc) The
tutorial (http://faust.cct.lsu.edu/trac/bigjob/wiki/Tutorials) says
just to run it without modifying the file. But it gives an error
saying "Are you sure you have access to localhost?" or similar. Do I
need to configure the framework before that somehow?

At the moment the machines are down for monthly maintainance.


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